What You Will Receive:
O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified? This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?  Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?  Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?
Gal 3:1-4
Witchcraft is not an old women, with a crooked nose, a pointed hat, flying on a broom. Rebellion is as this sin of witchcraft. People with a rebellious nature can open themselves up to witchcraft oppression from evil spirits. The Devil himself is the embodiment of rebellion. Living in rebellion draws individuals into a snare of manipulation. When another controls you, witchcraft is at play. When you insist on controlling others, you are an agent of witchcraft. Observe those around you. How much control do they have over your life? Demonic activities, rituals, altars, vows, covenants and the like are all apart of witchcraft. This dimension belongs to those who are obsessed in bringing harm to others. Witchcraft must be confronted with the anointing and all wicked spirits of witchcraft must be expelled from people under the illegitimate control of another. Witchcraft comes in many forms. Witchcraft operates through words, physical items, digital transference, relationships and even tangible material like books, food, movies etc. There is hope and freedom for those who will go through this course. Witchcraft is subject to the name of Jesus Christ and with God given authority there is breakthrough for all who receive deliverance.
- Ancient Witchcraft
- Witchcraft
- Witchcraft & False Prophecy
- Witchcraft Rebellion
- Sorcery & Witchcraft
- Divination
- Masonic Witchcraft
- Amalek Curse
- Jezebel 1
- Jezebel 2
- Maacah
- Forehead of a Harlot
- Mother of Harlots
- Occult
- Evil Workers
- Rebellion 1
- Rebellion 2
- Rebellion 3
- Rebellion 4
- Curse Of Disobedience
- Rebellion & Stubborness 1
- Rebellion & Stubborness 2
- Black Magic 1
- Black Magic 2
- Curse of Hopelessness
- Curse of a Dog
- Curse Of Nimrod
- Spirits Of Rebellion
- Lies, Dogs, Sorcerers, and Sexually Immoral
- Witchcraft Alliances
- Witchcraft On My Faith
- Witchcraft Contracts
- Suffering Sent From Socerers & Magic
After going through Xpel Demons, the Lord delivered me from Lyme disease, broken bones & arthritis. In addition, my family has been restored, demonic veils against my mind removed, and ancestral injunctions hindering prosperity no longer have power over me. All witchcraft and time related curses against my life to kill me have been utterly destroyed. Consistency is key in deliverance, it is your DAILY BREAD. Stay the course and you will experience the freedom Christ paid for you to have.
Gayle Sackett