What You Will Receive:

...having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.  Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Col 2:14-15

Injunctions are legal orders from authority that can affect your life in various ways. There are financial injunctions designed to keep people in poverty and debt. There are marital injunctions which are aimed at ruining couples through evil activity. Locating these injunctions through prayer and breaking the power of these documents, words, handshakes etc, brings tremendous freedom. In the realm of the spirit words, decrees, covenants, vows, promises and the like can cause injunctions. A thorough approach in renouncing maternal, paternal and even civil national curses written and spoken must be effectuated. This course meticulously helps you revoke and reverse every injunction on your life. Live a limitless life again, be free from the cords of iniquity. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.

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My life has been dramatically changed by consistently going through Xpel Demons. Longstanding mental and physical problems that I had dealt with are no longer an issue in my life and opportunities have flooded into my life like never before. I truly understand what freedom from the oppression of the enemy feels like. After your decision to follow Christ, this is the best investment that you can make in yourself and your family!
Clayton Sackett