What You Will Receive:

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:14-15

A serpent speaks of deception. Many people suffering from lower spinal pain, normally have a serpent spirit coiled at the base of their spine. Serpent spirits lodge in the area of operation. This is a work of deception from the enemy. People are deceived in life, family, finances, worship, relationships and the like. In this course we address Kundalini, Leviathan, the Devil, and sexual perversion and promiscuity lodged in the body. False prophecy, divination and sorcery are also destroyed and evicted. This course will help you overcome bodily aches and pains, and will free your mind to think clealry and enjoy your salvation in Christ.

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I suffered from demonic sexual attacks through night dreams.  I would wake up after sexually immoral dreams, but knowing I was physically attacked.  I had no idea how to stop it or how to effectively pray against these demons until completing multiple sessions of deliverance sessions with Dr. Ricardo Watson.  Through deliverance my spirit now wakes me up before being violated so that I can immediately and effectively pray against the demonic attack.  Now I don’t have any demonic attacks in my dreams.

Mark Sackett